This website is now part of Public Health Scotland. Publications released after 16 March 2020 are now published on the Public Health Scotland website.
Improving health
Previously NHS Health Scotland

Our vision is a Scotland in which all of its people and communities have a fairer share of the opportunities, resources and confidence to live longer, healthier lives.

Strategic priorities

We have five strategic priorities that we have developed in partnership with our stakeholders.

1. Fairer and healthier policy

We'll ensure our knowledge and evidence is used by policy and decision makers. This is so that strategies focus on fairness and influence the social determinants of health and wellbeing.

2. Children, young people and families

We'll ensure the knowledge and evidence we provide is used to implement strategies focused on improving the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families.

3. A Fair and inclusive economy

We'll provide knowledge and evidence on socio-economic factors and their impact on health inequalities. This is to contribute to more informed and evidence-based social and economic policy reform.

4. Healthy and sustainable places

We'll ensure the knowledge and evidence we provide is used to improve the quality and sustainability of places. This will increase their positive effect on health and wellbeing.

5. Transforming public services

We'll work in partnership with and support public sector organisations to design and deliver services that have fairer health improvement and the protection of human rights at their core.

Strategic framework for action

We've highlighted our priorities for the years ahead, as well as how we will continue in our mission to reduce health inequalities and improve the health of the population of Scotland, in our new Strategic Framework for Action, ‘A Fairer Healthier Scotland 2017 – 22’. 

You can watch the short video below to find out more about our new strategy.

Working in partnership

Partnership and collaboration is central to all that we do. We work with and through organisations in the public, private and third sectors including

  • local authorities
  • other NHS Boards
  • Scottish Government
  • Community Planning Partnerships
  • Integrated Joint Boards

Making an impact

We work with others to produce, share and implement knowledge of what works to improve the health of the people of Scotland in a fair way. We generate, manage and support the use of knowledge which helps

  • improve practice
  • build stronger support for action across all sectors
  • identify the policies that will make the greatest difference.

Contact us for more information on how we can work together, or for more information on our strategy.